Thursday, July 31, 2008

Influence Trends

Christy Cox, a 25-years-old Event Promoter, states, “I feel that I am a trendsetter because I do not look to magazine or fashion leaders for influence in my fashion decisions. I have been blessed with the ability to coordinate clothing, to look like a million dollar without spending much."

Ms. Cox is an entrepreneur with limited capital this decrease her available disposable income. So creativity plays a big role in her day-to-day wardrobe. She explained that she is always in the public’s eye, and must be glam everyday, which can be very costly. She states, "I like to shop at second store to find different vintage garments and make them come alive ".

Most people would assume that she spends a considerable amount of money on clothing, but that “most of her outfits are less than $30."

Check out her favorite stores:
Forever 21, Steve Madden and Bebe to pick up some hot items.

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